Breathe 2 Change is a scientific initiative focused on air monitoring, analysis of the collected data and assistance on the creation and implementation of evidence-based public policies.

We are scientists, we are citizens, we are people united in a global initiative.
We collect data to reveal the causes of air pollution and explore solutions to reverse its consequences.
Breathe 2 Change is a scientific initiative focused on air monitoring, analysis of the collected data and assistance on the creation and implementation of evidence-based public policies.
Every year there are 7 million deaths due to indoor and outdoor air pollution.
The OMS has stated that 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air.
At Breathe 2 Change we implement a progressive and continuous three-phase strategy to achieve this.
Together with Neuer Weg Technologies, we developed a network of sensors that transmits air quality data to a cloud platform.
We work together with a team of specialised scientists to carry out the analysis of the data collected.
We provide scientific collaboration to drive and implement public policies and private initiatives to achieve the change.
Tucumán is one of the Argentinean provinces most affected by open biomass burning.
Through the installation of a network of sensors and reference monitors to measure air quality, we will analyse the data to identify the main sources of pollution and encourage the public and private sector to make the right changes to ensure better air quality in the province of Tucumán.
Our work is part of BREATHELIFE 2030 a United Nation global campaign.
The sensor modules were compared with nearby reference instruments (Particle Optical Counter – Grimm). This comparison took place over a period of 3 weeks at the air quality monitoring station of the Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Research at the University of Wuppertal, Germany.
We want to offer evidence-based solutions to those who need them
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